
Today is WREATH Wednesday!

I realize that on the 23rd, it may be a little late to be posting holiday decorating ideas, but I saw this Wreath Round-Up post on the Twig and Thistle blog, and thought it might be fun to pass along to you.

I did buy materials to make that gorgous felt ruffle wreath by Kristen of domestifluff, which I featured in a previous DIY post, but I doubt that I'll actually have it made in time to hang it up this Christmas. Still, I'm determined, and after the actual day when all of my handmade gifts are finished and given, I'll have a little more time to work on my wreath project and a couple of others. The vintage photo wreath and the vintage book page wreath would be perfect at any time of year!

On another note, I wanted to mention that I'll be on break today through the beginning of the year, so posting may be sporadic at best until the 4th. I hope all of you have a lovely holiday!

Etsy Treasure Tuesday: Kristina Marie

Without doubt, these gorgeous paper garlands by Kristina Marie are one of my favorite paper embellishments of all time. She's perfected them, creating her garlands out of all kinds of wonderful papers: vintage hymnals, sheet music, lace papers, and children's artwork. How can you not be in love with these, especially after seeing the magnificently creative ways in which she photographs them?

(All images pulled from Kristina Marie's Etsy shop.)


I Wish It Looked Like This Where I Am

Because that would mean that I wouldn't be at work today; I'd be at home, happily crafting and wrapping gifts, which is what I really need to be doing. Oy -- so little time left!
Photos taken of the Capitol Hill neighborhood in DC, after the worst snowstorm to descend upon the city since 1909, according to Taza & Husband. All images taken by Naomi, via the Rockstar Diaries.


Favorite Things Friday: Color Me Pretty

This post on decor8 this week finally did the trick of putting me in the mood for Christmas -- that, and the fact that several of the gifts I bought for family and friends from Etsy began arriving in my mailbox, and now there's something to put under our colorful little tree. I hope they get you in the spirit too. By the way, if you like them, first see the original post at decor8, then visit Leslie's Color Me Pretty flickr photostream, which is ... well, really pretty.

(Images by Leslie, via her own blog, A Creative Mint.)


Pink Street Giveaway!

Everyone head over to a beautiful blog I'm proud to sponsor, Naturally Nina, for a chance to win my Dresden necklace! Although I'll be really sad to see it go -- it's truly one of my top three favorites in the shop -- I would love to see it find a good home, especially with one of you!

Enter to win today (the 17th) through Sunday (the 20th)! And I want to hear what your top three favorite Christmas gifts have been!


I've Been Featured in an Etsy Treasury!

My Longbourne earrings have been included in a beautiful Etsy Treasury called "Vintage Wedding." See it here!

DIY Wednesday: Snowflake Votives

I'm switching it up a little, because I have a post I'm very excited about to present to you tomorrow, so you'll get your weekly DIY dose today, friends!

The lovely Livy of A Field Journal has done it again, this time in the form of some beautiful votive holders made with paper doilies and inexpensive glass jars, perfect for last minute holiday decorating. (I can use as many last minute decorating ideas as possible right about now, as we're having the sixth annual Book Group Christmas Party at our house tomorrow night.) Livy created this tuturial for Papermash, a charming paper goods shop run by Lynne of Tea for Joy. Get the downloadable tutorial here, which was made using these doilies. And see more details of the beautiful project here.

(All images by Livy of A Field Journal.)

Stay tuned for tomorrow's exciting post. I'll give you a hint: it involves a giveaway!


Etsy Treasure Tuesday: Moocow Hand Knits

Today's Etsy seller feature is prompted by a desire I've had for the past two weeks to get completely wrapped up in something soft and cozy, and settle in with a hot chocolate in front of my imaginary fireplace with a good book or holiday movie. These beautiful knitted items by Moocow Hand Knits definitely fulfill the first requirement on the agenda. And because this seller is from Liverpool, UK, we can be fairly certain that she knows a little something about a frosty winter.

(All images by Moo Cow Hand Knits. See other lovely knitwear here.)

On an unrelated note, we finally put the Christmas tree up last night! Photos of our small but charming tree to come tomorrow!


I'm Proud to Present to You...

A whole lot of new items up in the shop. Sixteen, to be exact.

Holy moly, that took a long time.



I'm so thrilled to have been included in the oh hello, friend Holiday Trade Guide! That's my 'Delicate' necklace in the top center. Super excited! (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, see this.)

(Composite image by Danni of oh, hello friend. Individual photos by various Etsy sellers.)


Favorite Things Friday: Beautiful Workspace

I love this workspace, posted on Tea for Joy several weeks ago, so much. Remember this post? Well, that's what I'm asking for this Christmas. And I believe that my dreams could become reality: I've found this, and this, and this, and these, and these and this too, here. If I can actually pull this off, I will be a very happy girl. And, I'll post photos and show all of you the clean, white, organized loveliness -- in a couple of months, that is, after I've had the time to perfect it and make it just as I want it to be. Any other ideas, friends?


DIY Thursday: Felt Ruffle Wreath

My eyes lit up today when I went searching for a lovely holiday DIY project, and came upon a tutorial for this incredible felt ruffle wreath this morning at Design*Sponge. Created by Kristen at domestifluff (which is a great freebie and DIY blog, and I was completely unaware of it until today!), this wreath could be done in bright holiday colors, or several shades of maybe red or blue for a more interesting monochromatic look. I can't wait to try it! Here are some photos that illustrate the process but make sure to read the full instructions here or here. Oh, and you should definitely visit the domestifluff blog for some cute holiday gift tag downloads and lots of other crafty goodness!

By the way, Kristen mentioned within her tutorial that a blogger called Maya of Maya*Made, another fantastic crafty blog, has come up with an ingenious way to mark and cut your circles more easily. Then, I found this great tool (available here), which eliminates the need for scissors and tedious handwork altogether! If you're a yo-yo maker, or plan to make dozens of these ruffle wreaths or last week's flower garlands, perhaps you should invest. I'm seriously considering it -- how handy would this be!?

So what color would your wreath be? And would you add paper snowflakes? Vintage glass ornaments hanging in the center? Other lovely embellishments?


Etsy Treasure Tuesday: A Alicia Handmade Accessories

I realize that it isn't Tuesday anymore, but since I missed this post yesterday, I decided I should make up for it with some extra-lovely loveliness. I'm certain that the beautiful handmade felt accessories by London-based A Alicia Handmade fall into that category. I had a really difficult time narrowing down my favorites for this post to just eight, so I highly recommend that you visit the shop yourself so as not to miss anything that might brighten up your cold winter days.

These would be beautiful not only on blouses and jackets, but bags, capes, and Christmas stockings. I love them all, truly.

(All images by A Alicia Accessories, pulled from here.)