
I Wish It Looked Like This Where I Am

Because that would mean that I wouldn't be at work today; I'd be at home, happily crafting and wrapping gifts, which is what I really need to be doing. Oy -- so little time left!
Photos taken of the Capitol Hill neighborhood in DC, after the worst snowstorm to descend upon the city since 1909, according to Taza & Husband. All images taken by Naomi, via the Rockstar Diaries.


  1. Grrr, I know what you mean Sarah! Are you working through Wed? I'm one of the few in my dept. that is and I totally agree with you when you say are a ton of other things you could be doing! :)

  2. Just stopping by to wish you and your hubby a very MERRY CHRISTMAS...
    O....and I wouldn't mind that snow you are showing if MY house looked like any of THOSE! So pretty...
    xo jean


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