
My DIY Wreath

I'm not sure if any of you will remember that last year in December, I put up a DIY post about how to make this adorable ruffle wreath with felt circles. I bought the materials right around Christmas last year, but didn't get around to making it in time to put up for the holidays. But last weekend, I finally sat down and put together the pretty little wreath below.

I decided to wrap it in (of course) aqua yarn, then I attached my 85 or so circles of ivory felt. Unfortunately, they didn't quite cover the whole wreath. I like the fact that you can see the pretty yarn, but it still looks funny to me, so I need y'all's opinion on the finishing touches. Should I buy more felt to cover it completely? Or should I remove some of the circles so that it's mostly a yarn wreath with a band of ruffles? And what should I embellish with? I bought some vintage-style bottlebrush trees with which I was going to plant a little forest on the bottom of the ring, but I tried to spray paint them gold, and learned to my dismay that bottlebrush trees are impervious to spray paint (at least mine were, after 5 solid minutes of spraying). I could hang some mini Christmas ornaments from the top of the ring to dangle in the center, I suppose. Any other brilliant ideas?

I'd love to hear about any holiday craftiness you've been up to recently!


  1. I remember seeing that post last year and thinking I was going to make it this year as well but never got around to it. How about using a more see through material to make more ruffles so you can see the aqua a bit in that one space? Just to give a little pop. Maybe like a sparkly ivory taffeta or something and make it a little crazier and bigger than the felt. It could be a focus point. I am envisioning this in my head it is just hard to describe...


  2. Yes, I think I understand what you mean; I can picture it too. It definitely needs something, and a bit of sparkle might be just the thing.

  3. Maybe a mesh pouf and embellish with coordinating blue buttons or bling. Very pretty.


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