

(the My Lady necklace, image by me, available for sale in the Etsy shop.)

Just popped in to remind everyone that tonight is Art Trail! I hope that we'll have a good crowd -- I know that it's a holiday and all, but it's supposed to be nice this evening, and I'd love to see all of you there! (Alderson Mercedes, 17th & Texas, 6:00-9:00pm.) I made six! new headbands which I'll bring to show off tonight, plus four others which I had available last month. Plus, I'm trying out some new fun things with my display table. I'm going to try with all my might to remember to bring my camera, so that I can show it off to you next week upon my Glorious and Triumphant Return.

I should take breaks more often, just so that I can say Glorious and Triumphant Return every month or so. Many Happy Glorious and Triumphant Returns to You All, on this Splendid Friday Afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is going well.
    We've just got back home. Carleigh was dancing at the Underwood for the Art's Trail. Sorry we missed you.


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