
Etsy Treasure Tuesday: Sugar Pink Boutique

I'm sure that if you've visited this blog before, happen to own one of my pink street creations, or have the fabulous good fortune to actually know or be related to me, it will come as no surprise to you that I'm highlighting a shop which carries beautiful laces, trims, notions, and embellishments in today's Etsy feature.

I'm so happy to be able to introduce you to Sugar Pink Boutique, the most charming little shop run by the lovely Jennifer. The way that she styles and shoots her photos is really inspirational for me, a girl who can't get enough pastels and pretty vintage floral linens.

If you're anything at all like me, and you start getting ever so slightly lightheaded in the face of so much prettiness, head over to Sugar Pink Boutique to pretty yourself silly.

(All photos by Jennifer of Sugar Pink Boutique, pulled from the Etsy shop.)

1 comment:

  1. Sugar Pink Boutique is my favorite shop for unique trims and more! Jennifer(owner) is a precious friend and fellow etsy seller of mine! Sweet lady! If you love to craft, her shop is a must see!


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