
Etsy Treasure Tuesday: Iviemade

I am so happy to introduce to you today a new online friend of mine, Elizabeth. I've already discovered that she and I would be very good friends if we actually knew each other in real life, as evidenced by the fact that she shares with me a love of Jane Austen and wonderful English classics, Anthropologie, and the same sarcastic sense of humor. Unlike me, however, she is an incredibly talented seamstress, and in her beautiful shop, iviemade, she sells handmade pillow covers embellished with two of my favorite things: ruffles and bows. Elizabeth's having a fantastic anniversary sale in her shop right now, and also a giveaway on her blog, so you should visit, and then you'll read, and then you'll giggle, and then you'll want to be friends with her too.

And this dress now resides, sadly, in the "Sold" section of the iviemade shop. {Sigh.} I loved that dress.

Also, another thing Elizabeth and I have in common is that we love old things. All the rest of you vintage lovers out there will be happy to know that Elizabeth has recently opened a second Etsy shop, iviefound, in which she retails her own vintage finds (found in Boston, one of my favorite cities in this country, I might add).

Your homework: enter the giveaway today!


  1. Hey there! It was fun seeing you on Sunday! The wind was INSANE so there was hair on the headbands all the time SO - we are going to schedule a little shoot just to do the headpieces so we can control how the hair looks and make it good. Just wanted to let you know! We used some and you will see them when I post, but as for the actual product photography set, we'll do soon.

  2. I should re-post that dress, I should. But making it was a nightmare for the first person who ordered it. Never have I had such a hard time fitting somebody. So I'm letting the trauma wear off before I put it back in the shop :)


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