
New Pink Street Cards

I have to be honest. I'm really proud of myself. I don't have any sort of graphic design background, and though my husband is a whiz at Photoshop, I wasn't able to have his assistance with this project because it's the end of the semester and right about now he does nothing but write, eat, sleep, and grade freshman essays. So I had to figure everything out on my own, and I had to do some pretty tricky things (tricky, at least, for a person who before this project only knew how to crop and edit color) to come up with what I did. So without further ado, here are my new business cards! I should be getting the real life ones back next week, so you'll get to see them in person at Art Trail if you come next Friday.


And back:
Actually, the colors are a little truer than they seem to show up here, but you get the general idea. So what do you think? Suggestions for any changes?

They're not quite as pretty as these gorgeous letterpress cards, but I think they'll do for me.


  1. Beautiful - your husband will be proud of you! I love them!

  2. Hey there! Are you going to be at the shoot on Sunday or will your accessories be representing you? I will take extra cool shots of whatever you made that you are free to use here on your site! Excited to see what you came up with for Evan!

  3. I LOOOOOOVE it! It so beautiful, Sarah!


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