
Etsy Treasure Tuesday: Oh So Good

The charming OhSoGood Etsy shop is full of cute notecards and notepads, and other things made with lovingly recycled and "rescued" papers, as the shop announcement states, made by graphic designer Sarah Roberto. I'm on something of a faux bois kick lately (still trying to figure out how to convince my husband to let me buy the remaining two rolls of this), so of course, my favorites include the following . . . .

. . . . as well as this very clever list pad and these cute little matchbook notepads.

I'm a fan.


  1. Lovely items!

    And that sounds like a lovely deal for the earrings! I sold a painting at the Art Trial Friday so in celebration, my husband is letting me buy some things that have been on my wish list. Hooray! haha.

  2. I finally got an Etsy Treasury... you should check it out! ;)


    Oh and let me know how you want to work out the earrings transaction. :)


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