
Gone With the Weekend

Although I did have a bit of time to rest a little more this weekend than I have lately, I still feel oh so tired today and ready for Friday all over again. My poor husband had three papers to write, so I amused myself with some movies while he worked.

I watched Lost in Austen (yes, again) and during a short break from schoolwork on Friday night, we watched the 1939 version of The Adventures of Robin Hood.

A few weeks ago we saw The Wendell Baker Story, which I thought was fun and entertaining, if slightly far-fetched. But I am a fan of the Wilson brothers, and admittedly, not the toughest movie critic out there.

The Brothers Bloom, which I was so excited about, never came to Lubbock, of course, so it's at the top of our Netflix queue, and I hope it will be on its way to our house right after it releases tomorrow!

And I can't wait to see this one. I've heard wonderful things, and I think Audrey Tautou is just so charming. Who knows when we'll get it in our theatres here, but there's always my devoted friend Netflix if the worst befalls.


  1. What a lovely weekend! :) Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I'd love to see the emerald earrings again, do you have any pictures of them up anywhere?

    I'm looking forward to Friday, hoping for an Autumn-y type FFAT.

    -- Regina

  2. Was it just me or was today very perfectly fall? I didn't know they had those out here in west Texas (I've only been here a year so I haven't experienced all the climates). I'm ready for it to cool down just a bit more so I can wear my scarves again! haha

    Also, if you could post some pictures that would be lovely, just to see if I remember them correctly. I do remember wanting them desperately earlier this year, but since I started making jewelry this summer, my husband is more restrictive on my purchasing jewelry. ;) LOL.

    And THANK YOU, for voting for me, biased or not. Keep up the great blogs, I do love them so! :D

    -- Regina


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