
On the Docket

Docket is a funny word. Ever noticed?

Anyway, my To-Do list for this evening includes the following:
1. Tasty dinner with lovely husband at home.
2. Folding and putting away of laundry which has been sitting in the dryer for two days.
3. Preparation for Art Trail this Friday, including experimentation with new display ideas and props.
4. Possibly some photo taking in hopes of having a new Etsy banner up soon.
5. At least one episode of Flight of the Conchords, Season 2, which just released on DVD yesterday, and which my very good friend Netflix made appear in my mailbox today!

I wish my To-Do list for this evening included these things too:
1. Dinner here with lovely husband.
2 Trip to Cold Stone for sweet cream and raspberries. (By the way, and can I just say "Holy Crap!," Cold Stone now has cupcakes?! And I'm supposed to contain myself!? Unlikely. Extremely unlikely.)
3. Not folding and putting away laundry which has been sitting in the dryer for two days.
4. Time for a bit of creative magic in the way of jewelry-making.
5. One Mmilllllliioooonn Dollars. Ah, ha, ha.


  1. ohh...your art trail sounds like fun. we have a first friday that i'm getting ready for in our town as well...
    hope you have great success!!!


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