
First Friday Art Trail Tonight!

I'm really excited about getting to participate in Lubbock's First Friday Art Trail again this month! I've shown my work in the Art Trail for close to two years now, since November of 2007, and have only missed participating three times, each of which has been because Alderson Mercedes, the location where I set up, decided to take the night off for a holiday weekend.

Last month was one of those times, as July's Art Trail fell on the 3rd. Alderson's night off freed me up to take a short weekend trip to Dallas for the holiday, but I'm so ready to get going again! And I mentioned on Wednesday that I have big plans for some significant changes to my table display, and I'm so excited to test out my new ideas and get everyone's feedback tonight, as well as to show off all of the new pieces I've been working hard on for two months! I'm going to try my very hardest to remember to bring my camera and take photos of my table after I've set it all up, and I'm hoping for a good turn out tonight and a few new admirers of pink street designs!

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