
Etsy Treasure Tuesday: Royal Buffet

Beautiful, delicate, magical things in the Royal Buffet Etsy shop. Like paper fairy tales.

(All images by Royal Buffet, pulled from the Etsy shop.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah! My name is Regina and I just became a follower of your blog a few days ago. I was searching on Etsy for local shops and came across your cute shop. Then I read your announcement and saw that you show at the FFAT and I'm almost positive I've seen you there before. What a small world?!? I show at the Downtown Underground - I currently show paintings and some jewelry. Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and I'm glad that I found another local Etsian! Have a great day! -- Regina

    Etsy - vivatregina.etsy.com
    Blog - vivatregina.blogspot.com


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