
Etsy Treasure Tuesday: Briones & Co.

The Etsy shop of briones & co, is a tiny but wonderful shop which does basically one thing very well: the organized kitchen. I've had my eye on this shop for quite a long time now, but every week when I wanted to feature it, it seemed that all of the items had sold out and there was nothing left. So this week, despite the fact that the offerings aren't many, they are wonderful, and I took my chance. The specialty of briones & co. is Mini Meal Planners.
Why didn't I think of that myself? These are wonderful little pocket or purse-sized lists (and you know how I love lists) which allow you to jot down what you're going to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on each day of the week, and then make a grocery list which will remind you of everything that you need for your meals.
Brilliant! Genius! Inspired! And SO cute, on top of that. (Definitely going on my birthday list.)
Plus, you can buy refills of the meal cards when you need more!

(All images by smbriones via her Etsy shop.)

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