
How to Make Pink Street Real

I brainstormed with my parents-in-law about a new way to display my jewelry at the Funky Finds Spring Fling in April (coming up very soon now!), and we came up with a fabulous idea that I'm going to attempt to transform into reality soon. I bought the materials on Saturday. They include foam board faced with a linen-look paper, pink cardstock, and brown wire.

Can you guess? I'm going to cut cityscape silhouettes out of the foamboard to make them look like buildings; see how the pattern looks a bit like brick up close?

I'm going to cut window holes too, and if I can find them, I'm going to spray paint a lot of minature window boxes (for dollhouses) pink, and will hang them in the windows. I'm going to string the brown wire from window to window like clotheslines, so that my necklaces will hang from them with mini clothespins. Then, I'm going to run the pink paper underneath the whole setup, and stripe it with dotted white lines, to make a literal pink street. If everything comes out like I hope it will, Pink Street will be erected in Fort Worth this spring! More photos when that happens.


  1. OMGosh...how exciting, Sarah..I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed while I am saying a prayer for you to be in Fort Worth !! Too cool..

  2. this sounds awesome! i am always trying to think of new ways to display my work as well! someone handed me your card the other day, and then i just realized i had already found you on etsy! your jewelry is awesome!

  3. Thanks for the article, this tutorial was highly important for me to master how to make pink street real. Kudos


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