
Wish List Wednesday

There are lots of days I wish I were still doing this:

I miss it often. But I go back and visit occasionally, walk around in the cooler and inhale deeply. And I get to do wedding flowers for friends every once in a while, which I love. And I remember the reasons I left, and they were good ones, and I think I'm a nicer person now; more hopeful, certainly. But I miss the fun we had, the beauty I got to look at and play in, and the opportunity to be creative and inventive every day. It was a good time, and I'm thankful for it. And maybe one day I'll do it again, maybe even on my own. Sarah's images above definitely inspire me to do so. (Also, her blog is hilarious.)

1 comment:

  1. What lovely flowers you are sharing with us today, Sarah.
    I can see why you would miss doing this...maybe someday, your own shop!! *sigh...


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