
Cute Shoes and Other Miscellany

I had a packed weekend: very productive, with even a little time to rest.

It began early, before 5:00pm on Friday. I left work early to get ready for Art Trail, where I thoroughly enjoyed the Chocolate Fountain Alderson Mercedes provided for the event, in honor of Valentine's Day. I look forward to Art Trail every month, even though sometimes I'm tired and have had a long week preparing for it, and don't always feel like smiling at strangers for four straight hours, but even when that's the case, I'm always really thankful that I get to be there -- it's a great way to make connections with the other artists in the community (yes, there are artists in Lubbock), to allow people to see my jewelry in person, and to begin developing relationships with people I would never otherwise have met.

Also, I love the shoes. Alderson Mercedes, my location, is right in the middle of the Depot District, and we get a lot of "night on the town" traffic. Some of those girls have the cutest shoes, and I found myself wishing this past Friday for a really cute pair of boots. I have a dressy pair with a pointy toe and kitten heel, but I've fallen for these, at Urban Outfitters. (They're really very reasonably priced, and the only size still available is mine!) Plus, one of the most fun things, is that we get to hang out with our lovely friends the Sanfords. After Art Trail was over Friday night, we went over to their house to celebrate (Nathan got some really good news on Friday, which I may post about later); we ate pizza and enjoyed some lovely Pomegranate/Blueberry martinis, courtesy of Mr. Sanford.

I'll condense Saturday and Sunday, both very good days. I scrubbed my stovetop, did some research on the Dremel (which I've decided is one of the handiest little tools ever invented), worked just a little bit on some of my Etsy photos, drilled holes in no less than 40 or so brass pieces, which are destined to become fabulous pink street designs, ironed no less than 32 patches (oh no, I'm not exaggerating) into holey jeans, found a rug at Target (yay! the search has ended at last!) for our living room floor (which I'll photograph soon, along with a post about some ideas I have to update our living room just a little), read no less than 100 pages, made our own version of Arby's Roast Beef and Cheddar, did a load of laundry and some dishes, made skillet cinnamon toast and watched a fantastic episode of Rick Steve's Europe with my husband Saturday morning. A very enjoyable weekend, indeed.

How was yours?

1 comment:

  1. An update, for anyone who's interested: I used some birthday money I'd been saving, but forgot about until I found it recently, to buy the really cute boots. I'll take a picture of them on me when they come in and show you how great they are in person!


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