
Etsy Treasure Tuesday: SweetCocoBeans

I met Jenn last fall, after she and her boyfriend Taylor, who began and run a fantastic website called LBKnow.com featured Nathan's band, Cyrus, on their site, which promotes Lubbock and all of the cool bands to see, events to attend, and interesting things to do here. Nathan happened to mention in the interview he did with Jenn and Taylor, that his wife (which would be me, naturally) made handmade jewelry. She was intrigued, and when, about a week later, it was time for the First Friday Art Trail, they came to see me and my work at Alderson Mercedes. Jenn announced then and there that they'd like to do an interview with and feature about me on the site, and she has been a supporter of my work (she did all kinds of free publicity for me all over the place!) and a great friend ever since; she's one of the kindest and most genuine people I know.

And now, she has an Etsy shop of her own! It's named for her beautiful chocolate lab Coco, and is called SweetCocoBeans. I love that my story about how my hobby grew into a small side business inspired Jenn to go for it herself. That's what creating something handmade and participating in the wonderful community of others all over the world who are creating too is all about. So I'm very happy to be able to introduce Jenn to you, and to show off her work here. Since Jenn is a music fan (which is essentially the reason we were introduced in the first place), many of her fabulous items are themed or named for songs or lyrics. She's even made several of her pieces using guitar picks; so inventive!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, thanks for the shout out Sarah. You are too sweet and I am so glad to call you my friend! :)


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